Friday 30 March 2012


Advert 1 -

Advert 2 -

Tv Sponsorship 1 -

Tv Sponsorship 2 -

Radio Advert -

Thursday 23 February 2012

Advert Ending

I gained some feedback from my teacher were I found that my advert needed something to finish it off and leave the audience remembering your product. So after giving me improvements on my first advert attempt I was instructions to create something different at the end. I therefore looked at how other adverts finished and how mine differed.

This was how the majority of adverts ended with the logo being in the centre of the text, but also having a dull background so that it connotes the importance of the logo and brand. Additionally they generally end with a small slogan so the audience will remember the advert. I therefore decided to add the logo but in a fashion that I would be able to relate the brands logo to the rest of the text, this was something that was not normally done in adverts but i decided i would try and challenge this convention.

This is what I was able to produce, as you can see I have added still shots of all the main aspects of the advert in relation to the brands logo and product name this denoted what the car would stand for within a few short seconds.  I felt this was a massive improvement on what is currently used in advertising, however i will need too see if the audience feel the same in the audience feedback when i do my evaluation. 

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Attempt of Advert 1

This was my first attempt of my advert, I am not very happy with the overall out come of the advert for several reasons. One of which was the flow of the advert as it currently seem very jumpy, with no flow between clips this is a crucial aspect that i need to get right as i need to make sure that the advert works. One way that I can try to make the advert flow is by introducing a soundtrack to the advert this was something that i was not going to do but it could help me make the advert flow and fit the clips into the rhythm of the soundtrack. Additionally this could be a good thing to do as i was going to use the diegetic sounds from the clips however they do not fit in with the advert, so using a soundtrack instead of having the diegetic sounds may work better. I will need to pick something that will work with the adverts and the campaign but also something that will work with the footage that i have already got. 

Something else that I am not happy with is the lack of shots from inside the car, mainly as I wanted to captures some of the emotions that the drivers and passengers would feel when in the car. Instead i have mainly medium and long shots of the car being driven or passing through different landscapes. Currently as there is little variety of shots in the advert is not denoting meaning. 

The meaning of the advert should be about the car helping families in their everyday lives, being able to battle any challenge. Currently i feel that the advert is denoting now meaning about family and the ease of use, it is just showing the journey to work, someone loading their shopping into the car and a child being dropped of to school. These are all very boring things that happen daily, and i have latterly shot them not connoting how the car is better than its competitors. This is something that i need to think of carefully as it is currently denoting nothing of importance. 

I will discuss this advert with my teacher ASAP and see whether or not it can be improved and if so how. I will then go and blog about the my progress and the possible improvement. 

Filming and Editing

I was able to finish the filming for the my first advert, I wanted to get some footage where the car would be used on the school run. It meant that it could show how easy the car is to use, for both children and parents, with the space and easy loading of the children.
However i found that it was hard to get any shot that would demonstrate how good the car was, this meant that the footage i got was okay but will need to be improved.
Some of the shots that i was able to get where, the children getting in the car, small amount of dialogue and then car arriving at the destination. I realised that there really was not that much footage so far of inside the car and this could be a good chance to demonstrate some of the features with in the car with the scene being about the time spent with your children.

I then took the footage i had got my from my day of filming and began to edit it down, so that the shots would flow and allowed me to see whether or not i was going to be happy with my footage and where i will be able to improve the scene. I shortly realised that the footage i got was good and i could use a lot of it for the advert, however i needed to go back and film some more this is because there was no meaning in the scene.
The narrative goes "It's the time spent with your kids as you take them to school"
Therefore i should be denoting how the car can allow you to enjoy some quality time with your children, however this is a good idea but a lot harder to capture. I now need to look at some good ways of being able to convey this quality time in the advert, as it will hopefully help me to denote meaning in the advert and how the car is better than its competitors.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Non - Diegetic

Traditional car advert without Non Diegetic sound -

A car advert which uses Non Diegetic sound -

My faster paced Non Diegetic sound -

I had found in my research that a lot of vehicle adverts do not actually have non - diegetic sounds this is to connote the car cars sportiness in its sound or luxurious as its quite. However if non - diegetic sounds are being using then it is very subtle and has a cinematic approach by having rather slow paced soundtrack that is to make it seem more enjoyable for the audience to view. However i found that this was a convention that i wanted to challenge and develop as my voice over is trying to connote a more up beat and exciting tone that will keep the audience engaged. I therefore decided to use a up beat sound track which is less conventional but would hopefully allow me to create an engaging and exciting advert.