Are you male or female?
I decided to get 20 responses 10 male and 10 female. This was to allow me to have a range of responses.
What age category do you fit into? (please circle)
15-17, 18-22, 25-30, 26-35, 36-40, 41- 45, 46+,
Do you find adverts engaging ?
I was slightly concerned to find in my audience feedback that only 12 people out of my 20 responses found existing adverts engaging. This lead to me think about the aspects of why current adverts are not engaging and how I will be able to create my texts so that they are.
If not why?
I then asked for responses of why current adverts were not engaging. I received responses such as, boring, samey, all follow the same layout, not very exciting, has no real wow factor. This wasn't too much help as all my responses were very board, however it did lead me in the correct direction as I now know that my advert no matter what i am adverting needs to have a real interesting USP, and perhaps an up beat and engaging sound track or voice over.
What are your favourite types adverts? (Tick as many as
In terms of favourite adverts I was happy to find that the car had a few top responses, along with both sports and fashion. I was surprised to find that no one had ticked on the any of the 3 main types of advertising, this could be down he the general public not being knowledgable enough about media. Therefore after briefly explaining the 3 types to at least half of the public responding to my questionnaire I found
the majority of them preferred the narrative advert. I then thought about trying to combine a narrative advert with one of the more favourited adverts from the feedback.
Do you take notice of Pop Ups ?
To go with what I previously though about Pop Up's, I found that a lot of my feedback agreed. With 18 out of the 20 responses agreeing that they would not even notice
a pop up but simply close it. I had assumed that this was going to be the repines, I therefore needed to hope that the TV Sponsorship was a more noticed way of adverting as I need to create one or the other to fur fill my brief.
Are you able to see the point of Tv
Sponsorship Adverts ?
Very much to my satisfaction my feedback proved that the Tv Sponsorship would be a much better option to create an advert as 15 people were able to see the point of the advert this was a lot ore encouraging that the result I had received about the Pop Up. However I was also slightly worried by this as I didn't know a lot about the conventions of a Tv Sponsorships and what their purpose was.
Would you enjoy watching an advert campaign
based on cars ?
It was encouraging to find that 14 out of the 20 reposes would be happy to watch a advert campaign that is on cars. As the idea of creating an advert on car was something that I wanted to do but by having responses that would enjoy to see a car campaign it is encouraging to me to begin brainstorming and looking at creating an campaign based on a vehicle.
Overall I found that the questionnaire was very useful in giving me some guidance in what I can do and where it I can take my advertising campaign. This was important as it allows me to create something that is wanted and too the liking of an audience rather than creating something that I liked and through that hope the a an audience would as well. I got a range of answers from a range of sexed and ages people to give me the largest range of responses this was important as I was trying to reflect what a mass audience would want. Additionally I found a lot with a lot of the public not finding adverts interesting or engaging this meant that I had to create something that was, and by this was going to have to think out side the box which means challenging and developing common convention, such as a use of shots and pace of editing. Furthermore I found that narrative is a liked type of advert, this is a convention of advert that i would like use as but also develop in some way by pairing it with a car advert. I would then be able to advertise a produce that it reliably popular but also something that I would like to advertise and use the narrative style in aid of advertising the car. I then also looked at the ancillary texts and whether or not my target audience found them worth while or interesting I found that the TV Sponsorship was the more preferred option as the majority of responses did not like the idea of having a pop up. However this does raise an issue of my lack of knowledge about the TV Sponsorship and means it will be a lot of extra research to ensure I am prepared to create the text, as it is the preferred choice of the audience.
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